Saturday, September 21, 2013

Extreme Sports

This is a persoal favoirte, jam packed with some funny jokes all around this free fall action. We hope you enjoy.

Mouse falling without para shoot, instead clothing comes out of his bag
Falling from extreme heights can be scary, its a good thing this mouse can read fast!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

You need a mouse.

We'd like you too help us on things like tips on improvement to our images, give us ideas on what to draw next and everything in that nature. I personally can tell you I spent more time on this one than any drawing yet. We hope you enjoy.
A man looks for his computer mouse wondering where it has gone to. Behind him is a moue holding up the computer mouse yelling for its freedom.
Man looks for his mouse only to realize that its gone missing and cannot work without it.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Sleeping with the fishes?

Now I feel as if the surfer is too skinny in this picture, but I've moved past it and will say that he was just born that way. While I was the one who mainly came up with this sketch, I think it brings my idea into a reality. We hope you enjoy.
Mouse on surfboard looks back only to see a shark fin hanging out of the water, and its right behind him! What he doesn't know is that its really another mouse with a shark fin attached to his back.
Mice pull pranks too! Can you belive they had a shark fin that small?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Space mousetronaut

Space, the final frontier. Lilly seems to enjoy these jokes. I bet we'll do more of these cheese jokes because mice, apparently, love their cheese. For now I think we'll stick to more comics with hidden massages or silly humor, with some tiny easter eggs like this one. We hope you enjoy.
Mouse claiming that the moon is one small step for mouse and a giant cheese for mouse kind, this is happening before Neil gets off the ladder and takes his first step.
Was the moon landing faked? No, but this mouse beat Neil to it!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Classic BBQ

This post shows how much I absolutely dislike, and when I say dislike, I mean really really dislike, using the grill. You leave it alone for one too many minutes and you find your meal burnt beyond saving. Personally, I'd rather use stove top and pan. But luckily enough, that mouse in the middle has a keen eye for fire. We hope you enjoy.
Three mice proud and happy with their work, relaxed and ready to have hamburgers, when all of the sudden one mouse sees that all of the meat is on fire!
Mice all relaxed, ready, and FIRE!

This drawing is attempting to tell, or show, a story.

Skating Mice: Our First Picture

This picture took the longest of all of our images to make. Learning how to use the software was probably the part that took us so long. Lilly and I come up with short stories like this with these mice and try to give off playful messages. We hope you enjoy.
Mice on ice. One mouse has fallen distracting the other mouse who is about to have a mishap of his own.
Skating Mice. This drawing attempts to tell a story in a single image. The main story is about the past, the present and the future. But there are other stories here such as the setting of the story and questions such as, "Where do mice get skates?" and, "Why red mittens?" I think that each person has their own answers.